Tuesday, 12 July 2011


An earnest devotion & belief to the core of heart is enough of whatsoever path one takes. " Mantras " become 'Mighty' only when recited properly as per 'Vedic' guidance - better under the direction of the " Sadguru " .  Rituals followed with sincerity and sanctity are but a means to an end, not the " End " by itself.

Knowledge is ' no-knowledge '  ;
Devotion is ' de-void-of-motion ' .....

For an ignorant 'true-heart', even " His " name is just enough to clean the slate.

Call it 'Naxalism', 'Terrorism' or any 'ism' for that matter ! These are but odd by-products of human bio-productivity ; or - in a way - we may call it an evolution of " Prarabdha ". 

Centuries of human knowledge has seen so-many dogmas, doctrines, scriptures, books and all that; But still there is more blood-shed in the name of so-called religion than any other causes put together ! Why it's so...!!  

Cosmic creation is beyond the perception of so-called ' human knowledge ' .

To have a really beautiful world, we need to have ideally beautiful human being ; To have good human being, we should have good parents and to become good parents, we must learn, adopt and inculcate the eternal values of life.

In a 6th grade class of an American school, someone wrote on the black-board - " Prove that you were called into this world ? " Only a lone student had a spark of the question. Back home, he asked his parents ! Back to the school, he asked  his teachers ! He really could not get a heartfelt satisfactory answer ! Musing over the question for a few days, he finally jumped into the sea and committed his death...!!

How many of us were prayed & called into this world ? And how many are just biological by-products !

Is this life only a Biological Entity ? Let our younger generations find & feel.

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