Monday, 11 July 2011

Small World

I am glad to be Here.
The World is so small in the infinite expanse of our being.

The world is as we are. If anchored to the silent, blissful state of consciousness, everything we do become joyful - all questions answered. All doctrines, dogmas and decisions die in the effulgence of inexplicable 'Truth'.     


  1. Yes; This world is very small indeed ; And equally small is our life span on this unique planet. But most unfortunately, probably not many of us think it over. There are so-much chaos & unrest; So-much physical torture of the globe..!!

    It is said that human being is created in the image of God. But Oh God ! save us from this horrific image which is becoming as murky as our mind - loaded with ever increasing lust and greed..!

    Osamas, polluted oceans, pilfered ozone-layer, melting glaciers...!! WHO IS CARING FOR THIS " SMALL-WORLD "...?

  2. It's an Unseen Divine Power that is caring and keeping our balance...

  3. Even I have started getting glad following your 'small-world'.

  4. Absolute true; We are just specks on the infinite expanse of this Universe . Through these columns, I join Mr.Dev and would appeal one and all to help survive this " SMALL-World " from ignorance and human lust.
    In the process of scientific development we have already created enough toxicity responsible for SO-MANY EXTINCTS FROM THIS UNIQUE PLANET. No more please; The same scientific developments can not bring back THE EXTINCTS to this 'small-world'....!!!

    1. A very Logical and Conscious remark indeed.

    2. Noble and scientific thought.
